Unlock True Freedom ThRough Real Estate Investing

Discover how you could generate six figures in the next six months
whether you’re buying your first property your next…

Discover how you could generate six figures in the next six months whether you’re buying your first property your next…

(Takes less than a minute!)

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Stop waiting for the perfect “time”…
Most investors either never start or move WAY slower then they should because they think they need more capital, or the markets cooling off, or they’re not ready when in reality none of that’s true.
How you deal with difficult personalities, how you persuade others, how you lead, how you sell.. Confident communication is the underlying fabric of everything you do and I guarantee will clearly define your level of success personally and professionally.

Take this quick quiz and I’ll help you discover:

The #1 roadblock that’s actually holding you back from investing and how to overcome it…

Why that roadblock exists and how crucial it is to eliminate it…

The mistakes you need to avoid when trying to eliminate it so you don’t waste months of time and possible hundreds of thousands of dollars…

What it looks like when you get it right and how quickly you could not only be in the game but developing a thriving real estate portfolio…

Increase Your Closing Precentage...

by using one simple methodology to build trust, rapport, and create better connections with your prospects!

Begin creating generational wealth
for you and your family…
"Absolutely wonderful topics about investing. I discovered this show a few weeks ago and I’m completely hooked! One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. So grateful. Information and expertise shared in an easy to understand way."
Douglas Evans
"Amazing depth, great way to learn about different topics, industries, and more. I am a new listener of this show but it is full of great advice and really interesting. I’m really impressed. Learning a lot, Thanks Dwan!"
Carol Kemble

Who am I?

Who am I?

I Am America's Most Sought After Real Estate Investor™ and The Queen Of Short Sales®

Hi, I’m Dwan, and I want to share my journey from hardship to success in the real estate investing industry. My story is one of resilience, determination, and seizing opportunities when they come your way.

As I began reaching my own real estate investing goals, I realized I could also teach others how to do the same thing I was doing WITHOUT the mistakes! The trial and error part of learning is what kills you. One mistake and …BOOM… you could be out of business! You will never have to worry about that again with me by your side!

But Don't take it from me take it from my students

HRH Princess Francisca Harakawa (Amasu Omawa III)

"In today’s society, there are few scholars whose wisdom transcends age, gender, ethnicity, occupation and status. Sir Jonathan is one such scholar. He has guided me through many challenges over the years and has done the same for many others around the world. He is one of only a handful of people whom I trust and can turn to for guidance, and I am truly grateful to know him as a friend and teacher."

Richard Buettner

"As Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, it has been my mission to uphold our knightly tradition of promoting excellence, decency and altruism throughout the world. Sir Jonathan Amaret is one such individual who exemplifies this tradition with his tireless efforts to improve the lives of others through the school of Thought Mechanics and we are pleased with his induction into our order."

HIRH Prince Basilio Cali

"As Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, it has been my mission to uphold our knightly tradition of promoting excellence, decency and altruism throughout the world. Sir Jonathan Amaret is one such individual who exemplifies this tradition with his tireless efforts to improve the lives of others through the school of Thought Mechanics and we are pleased with his induction into our order."

HRH Princess Francisca Harakawa (Amasu Omawa III)

"In today’s society, there are few scholars whose wisdom transcends age, gender, ethnicity, occupation and status. Sir Jonathan is one such scholar. He has guided me through many challenges over the years and has done the same for many others around the world. He is one of only a handful of people whom I trust and can turn to for guidance, and I am truly grateful to know him as a friend and teacher."

Richard Buettner

"I’m so happy to have met Jonathan at that time when I was €5000 in debt about 2 years and 4 months ago.He helped me clear my mind to focus on what I want, blocking out my doubts and helping my to control my fears.I went on to use these techniques to achieve my first success. Got personally mentored by him right before I hit 6 figures. And continued to follow his guidance and teachings when I broke through to multiple 6 figures because it enabled me to hit a 7 figure income this year and use that knowledge to help hundreds of people to achieve the same level of success. Most importantly Jonathan helped me balance out between the good & bad to get exactly where I wanted to go. Thank you Jonathan for everything that you do for the countless people on this planet."

HIRH Prince Basilio Cali

"As Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, it has been my mission to uphold our knightly tradition of promoting excellence, decency and altruism throughout the world. Sir Jonathan Amaret is one such individual who exemplifies this tradition with his tireless efforts to improve the lives of others through the school of Thought Mechanics and we are pleased with his induction into our order."

Don’t let another “Yeah, but…” stop you from creating the life you and your family deserve

Take this quiz, discover, and eliminate the biggest roadblock standing in your way…

Take this quiz, discover, and eliminate the biggest roadblock standing in your way…

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